Education Potential Verified is a  sponsor
of After-School At-Risk and 

Summer Food programs.

Sponsored Feeding Programs for Children

CACFP and SFSP are federally funded USDA programs. Equal Heart contracts with individual states to access funding to provide prepared meals for children at the site level. Equal Heart monitors and adheres to all regulatory conditions and is frequently highlighted as a model program.
Education Potential Verified is a USDA sponsor throughout Texas. We harness various technology platforms to reduce the record keeping burden, thus allowing us and site personnel to focus on what is important: the children. 


Suppers are available for sites who operate an After-School program with orgaqnized activities for school age children. 

Sites located in areas where the local school records over 50% of their children receiving free or reduced price lunches. 

Sites must collect attendance and conduct a Point-of Service meal count when handing out meals.


Feeding sites are located in designated low-income areas.

Sites must be available to all area children.

Sites conduct a Point-of-Service meal count when handing out meals.

Breakfast and Lunch are available.

Community Partners

Education Potential Veified collaborates with multiple organizations to provide meals for children at their sites.

  • American Express
  • Pay Pal
  • Diners Club
  • Bitcoin
  • JCB
  • Stripe
  • Amazon
  • Union Pay

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.